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Numer tematu: 161

Temat założył: Andrzej S


Tytuł: Dyspergator -Poliglikol PEG 4600 (USA)

Treść: Mam do sprzedania dyspergator do gumy. Poliglikol PEG -4600.(proszek) w workach- 22,5kg. Cena (netto) 8,50 zl/kg. W ofercie szeroka oferta PEG-ów. tel. (22) 788-09-46, Otwock

Data założenia: 26/8/2015

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I stopped taking birth control pills a year ago as I had PCOS. Since then regular excercise kept my period almost regular (35 days) But this time its come after 5 weeks and was heavy only on day 1. Day two is like barely there. Im quite scared and concerned. I was stressed this month though and even had 5 pints of beer when i usually dont drink at all. Could that be it? Please advise ! Also, as I have been having regular periods after i stopped meioactdin, does it mean i no longer have PCOD? Thanks a bunch.

Korzystanie z bezpłatnych mechanizmów serwisu oznacza akceptację jego regulaminu.